In Vietnam, one eye cataract surgery would cost:-The lowest: $4,500,000Vnd (or Usd 200 / Cad 240). The highest: $35,000,000Vnd (or USD 1,500 / CAD 1,900).
Our patient eyes have their lens replaced with soft lens, made in US, normally well fitted, won't irritate and cause eyes to shed tears. The South West Eye Clinic gives 75% special discount for our charity work. They charge only $1,200,000 Vnd instead of $ 4,500,000 Vnd. It is urgent to give cataract surgeries to the patients who severely suffered from this disease. If they don't get surgery on time, many of them will be permanently blind at later stage of their lives. The surgery timing is critical in these cases: not too early, not too late.
A contribution of $60 Usd, or $80 Cad can help one cataract patient to brighten his or her life.
#6 - SURGERY DATE // NGÀY MỔ 20 / 02 / 2022 - 182 PATIENT // BỆNH NHÂN |
4/ 15/01/2022 – 185 CASES Eyes surgery // phẫu thuật ca mắt – RECIEPT // HOÁ ĐƠN
3/ 14/01/2022 - 152 CASES Eyes surgery // phẫu thuật ca mắt – RECIEPT // HOÁ ĐƠN
2/ 13/01/2022 – 141 CASES Eyes surgery // phẫu thuật ca mắt – RECIEPT // HOÁ ĐƠN
1/ 12/01/2022 - 98 CASES Eyes surgery // phẫu thuật ca mắt – RECIEPT // HOÁ ĐƠN
5/ 23/01/2022 – 167 CASES Eyes surgery // phẫu thuật ca mắt – RECIEPT // HOÁ ĐƠN
PICTURES // HÌNH ẢNH #1/ 6/ 20/02/2022 – 182 CASES Eyes surgery // phẫu thuật ca mắt
#2/ 6/ 20/02/2022 – 182 CASES Eyes surgery // phẫu thuật ca mắt
One One day I saw two poor men with broken legs, both in need of wheelchairs. One of the men needed to receive a wheelchair immediately because his legs were very heavy making it hard for him to move. The other man said he wanted to have crutches because he was still able to move with the support of crutches and he wanted to give up his wheelchair to someone who needed it more.
This man's legs still had some feeling in them where they were lighter than the other man’s. He had an accident where he had to have surgery and the bones were still screwed. He should have gone to the hospital to remove the screws, but he didn't have money so the screws are still inside.
This is the reason he can't walk straight like normal people, he said he wants to walk on crutches so that he can still move his limbs. I was moved by this man’s compassion where even thought he is poor he is still considerate of others and their circumstances.
So I ordered a pair of crutches and a wheelchair. While the wheelchair was being delivered to me, Ms. Dieu Lien phoned me and said that Ms. Thao Do had donated 100 US dollars to celebrate the new year. At that moment, my mind immediately thought, take that 100 USD to pay for the wheelchair and crutches, what a wonderful thing that came about. We are very grateful for your generous donation.
Video of two disabled uncles here // Video hai chú bị tàn tật đây cô::
There can be 3 cases for cataract patients:
1. Too early for surgery, in this case patients will come home to wait for the right time.
2. Correct time to perform operation
3. Too late for surgery, no chance and permanently blind.
VIDEOS - Eye surgery workflow - Tiến trình công việc mổ mắt
#1- Patient’s health declaration, body temperature measurement, Covid Test:
Khai báo y tế, đo thân nhiệt, khám dịch covid
#2- Eyesight test / Đo thị lực
#3-Screening Examination / Khám sàng lọc
#4- A refraction / Đo khúc xạ
#5- Blood test - Blood pressure / Đo huyết áp và thử máu
#- Operation room / Phòng mổ
#6 - Hygiene instructions / Hướng dẫn giữ gìn vệ sinh và phát thuốc
#7 - SURGERY DATE // NGÀY MỔ 27 / 03 / 2022 - 183 PATIENT // BỆNH NHÂN |
PICTURES // HÌNH ẢNH 27/03/2022 – 183 CASES Eyes surgery // phẫu thuật ca mắt
#8 - SURGERY DATE // NGÀY MỔ 26 / 05 / 2022 - 204 PATIENT // BỆNH NHÂN |
PICTURES // HÌNH ẢNH 26/05/2022 – 204 CASES Eyes surgery // phẫu thuật mắt
Tổng thu / Total received |
Quỹ lưu / Remaining fund |
UDS 58,019.39 + CAD 18,284.52 |
UDS 225.00 + CAD 50.00 |
#9 - SURGERY DATE // NGÀY MỔ 30 / 07 / 2022 - 140 PATIENT // BỆNH NHÂN |
PICTURES // HÌNH ẢNH 30/07/2022 – 140 CASES
EYES SERGERY // phẫu thuật mắt
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You can help the Eyes of Compassion Relief Organization by sending a tax-deductible donation in any amount for general support or you may earmark your donation for a specific project. You can also donate on-line by Paypal. The Eyes of Compassion Relief Organization is a charity non-profit organization with tax ID # 88930 2006 RR0001; all donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Any question please contact Eyes of Compassion